P. 5

Part L compliance Valuations Dilapidations and ECO services DEVELOPMENT
Schedule of conditions CONSULTANCY

When constructing We have vast Whether buying, selling With vast experience DWA have a wide
new non domestic experience in commercial or leasing, the condition in the ECO field DWA range of experience
properties, it is valuations of all types of of a building is vital can provide all your within development
important that they property, information on which to ECO requirements in consultancy.
comply with current for sale, purchase or base a decision. Our house. We currently In particular, our
building regulations. investment purposes. Our building surveyors have work for many of the big expertise lies
DWA are well versed team of valuers will experience in all types of 6 energy companies around large scale
in the-part L regula- provide you with the best buildings and can and provide EPC’s, residential, commercial,
tions and can provide advice based on your produce an accurate Chartered Surveyors and industrial schemes,
complete concise circumstances and will assessment of a buildings Reports, ECO scoring, integrating specialist
advice on how part L ensure you pay the condition giving you the building surveys, CIGA knowledge in Licensed
compliance is best correct amount for the right information on which and SWIGA technical and Retail development.
achieved and in asset concerned. to act. surveys and technical We have guided clients
many cases can monitoring. Our through the develop-
provide cost effective surveyors are RICS ment process in both
solutions to exceed registered ECO Asses- rising and falling
the basic require- sors and we are markets and can advise
ments. With BREAAM members of the National on the potential pitfalls
qualifications our Insulation Association. to be avoided.
surveyors can
provide within our
service additional
compliance advice to
provide an holistic
view of your develop-

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